Year 2023
Technology Arista, Cisco, KVM, Linux, Data Center
Categories Products

An Alternative to "the cloud"

We built ADTAQ VPS because we didn't think it should be so difficult and expensive to simply have a server in the cloud. The hyperscale cloud providers can do amazing things, that is for sure, but they also charge a premium. If you don't need elastic scaling, multiple datacenters and availability zones, and want to save a bunch of money, ADTAQ is a nice option.

Our first product to market is the Storage VPS offering. For fractions of the cost of AWS, GCP, or Azure, you can get a virtual private server of your own with a 2.5Gbit uplink and up to 4 TB of fast RAID6 disk space, all for $40/month or less.

Check out ADTAQ VPS today and upgrade your cloud experience.